28 research outputs found

    Penerapan Algoritme Klasifikasi Classification And Regression Trees (CART) Untuk Diagnosis Penyakit Diabetes Retinopathy

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    Penyakit diabetic retinopathy atau DR adalah salah satu komplikasi penyakit diabetes yang bisa menyebabkan kematian bagi penderitanya. Komplikasi tersebut berupa kerusakan pada bagian retina mata. Tingginya kadar glukosa dalam darah adalah penyebab pembuluh darah kapiler kecil menjadi pecah dan dapat menyebabkan kebutaan. Retinopati diabetes diawali dengan melemah atau hancurnya kapiler kecil di retina, darah bocor yang kemudian menyebabkan penebalan jaringan, pembengkakan, dan pendarahan yang luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis diagnosis penyakit diabetes retinopathy. Algoritme Classification And Regression Trees (CART) merupakan salah satu algoritme klasifikasi dengan menggunakan dataset diambil dari UCI Repository Learning diperoleh dari Universitas Debrecen, Hongaria, yang terdiri dari data pasien terindikasi penyakit diabetes retinopathy dan normal penyakit diabetes retinopathy. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu identifikasi masalah, pengumpulan data, tahap pre-processing, metode klasifikasi, validasi dan evaluasi serta penarikan kesimpulan. Adapun metode validasi dan evaluasi yang digunakan yaitu 10-cross validation dan confusion matrix.Dari hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan,  maka didapatkan hasil akurasi pada algoritme CART sebesar 63.4231%, dengan nilai precision 0.64%, nilai Recall 0.634%, dan nilai F-Measure 0,634%

    Comparison of Cart and Naive Bayesian Algorithm Performance to Diagnose Diabetes Mellitus

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    Based on Indonesia's health profile in 2008, Diabetes Mellitus is the cause of the ranking of six for all ages in Indonesia with the proportion of deaths of 5.7% under stroke, TB, hypertension, injury and perinatal. This is reinforced by WHO (2003), Diabetes Mellitus disease reached 194 million people or 5.1 percent of the world's adult population and in 2025 is expected to increase to 333 million inhabitants. In particular, in Indonesia, people with Diabetes Mellitus are increasing. In 2000, Diabetes Mellitus sufferers have reached 8.4 million people and it is estimated that the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in 2030 in Indonesia reaches 21.3 million people.This allows researchers and practitioners to focus their attention on detecting/diagnosing diabetes mellitus and to prevent it because the disease can cause complications. The method used in this research was problem identification, data collection, pre-processing stage, classification method, validation and evaluation and conclusion. The algorithm used in this research was CART and Naïve Bayes using dataset taken from UCI Indian Pima database repository consisting of clinical data ofpatients who detected positive and negative diabetes mellitus. Validation and evaluation method used was 10-crossvalidation and confusion Matrix for the assessment of precision, recall and F-Measure. The result of calculation has been done, got the accuracy result on CART algorithm equaled to 76.9337% with precision 0.764%, recall 0.769%, and F-Measure 0.765%. Whilethe diabetes dataset was tested with the Naïve Bayes algorithm, got an accuracy of 73.7569% with precision 0.732%, recall 0.738%, and F-Measure 0.734%. From these results it can be concluded that to diagnose diabetes mellitus disease it is suggested to use CART algorithm

    Media Pembelajaran Tentang Klasifikasi Binatang Berbasis Video Animasi 3 Dimensi di SMP Negeri 2 Wangon

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    The media is one of the supporting factors that can influence success in education. An education system that only gives lectures tends to make students get bored quickly. Even students are often sleepy when the teacher explains. As a result, the knowledge delivered by the teacher is not optimally absorbed. This proves that students tend to be interested in explanations in the form of visual images. It is hoped that the existence of a 3-dimensional animated video-based media to explain material about animal classification, especially in SMP Negeri 2 Wangon. Media itself is a component that can stimulate a person's mind so they have the desire to learn. The method in making 3-dimensional video animation, through the pre-production, production and post-production stages. In making 3-dimensional video, it explains the classification of animals consisting of pisces, amphibians, reptiles, aves, and mammals. Each is briefly explained and there are examples of each. The final results in the implementation of 3-dimensional video at SMP Negeri 2 Wangon have been successful and enthusiastic students and teachers, hoping that there will be improvements in making 3-dimensional animated videos, especially in animal modeling


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    Abstrak: Tujuan dari pelatihan penggunaan pengembangan soal ujian berbasis informasi menggunakan software Wondershare Quiz Creator ialah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan para guru menggunakan software Wondershare Quiz Creator guna membuat soal ujian atau assesment berbasis teknologi informasi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Wangon, Kecamatan Kelapagading Kulon, Desa Wangon Kabupaten Banyumas. Kegiatan pelatihan ini guru yang mengikuti sejumlah 36 peserta. Metode pengabdian masyarakat yaitu metode workshop. Metode ini terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu, persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah para guru atau peserta pelatihan dapat mengikuti pelatihan dengan baik, dengan menguasai materi selama pelatihan berlangsung dan peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam penggunaan software Wondershare Quiz Creator yang berguna untuk pembuatan soal ujian atau assesment berbasis teknologi informasi bagi siswa. Dan hasil yang didapatkan dari pelatihan ini yaitu peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam penggunaan software Wondershare Quiz Creator bagi para guru rata-rata sebesar 22,59% selama mengikut kegiatan ini.Abstract: The purpose of training in the use of information-based exam development using Wondershare Quiz Creator software is to improve the understanding and ability of teachers to use Wondershare Quiz Creator software to create information technology-based exam questions or assessments. This activity was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Wangon, Kelapagading Kulon District, Wangon Village, Banyumas Regency. This activity was a teacher who attended a total of 36 training participants. The community service method is the workshop method. This method consists of 3 stages, namely, preparation, implementation and evaluation. The result of this activity is that teachers or trainees can take part in the training well, by mastering the material during the training and improving the teacher's ability to use Wondershare Quiz Creator software which is useful for making exam questions or information technology-based assessments for students. And the results obtained from this training are an increase in the ability of teachers to use Wondershare Quiz Creator software for teachers by an average of 22.59% during participating in this activity


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    ABSTRAKHadirnya Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia mampu meratakan pertumbuhan ekonomi hingga ke pelosok daerah. Tingginya penyerapan tenaga kerja dapat mengurangi tingkat pengangguran hingga menurunnya angka kemiskinan. Pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia yang berlangsung dari pertengahan Maret 2020 hingga kini telah menimbulkan dampak pada sektor ekonomi Indonesia. Kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) pada kota-kota besar di Indonesia mengakibatkan kelumpuhan sektor ekonomi di berbagai wilayah salah satunya Banyumas. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan Participatory Action Research (PAR), dimana tim melakukan observasi guna mengidentifikasi permasalahan mitra UMKM, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Dari kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan mitra cukup memahami tentang penggunaan IPTEK diantaranay konsep digital marketing dan mampu menggunakan internet untuk melakukan pemasaran. Meningkatnya kemampuan mitra dalam melakukan pemasaran diharapkan dapat membantu mitra untuk memperoleh pasar yang lebih luas dan meningkatkan daya saing mitra sebagai pelaku UMKM. Kata kunci: digital marketing; IPTEK; UMKM. ABSTRACTThe The presence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in Indonesia is able to even out economic growth to remote areas. The high absorption of labor can reduce the unemployment rate and reduce the poverty rate. The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia which lasted from mid-March 2020 until now has had an impact on the Indonesian economic sector. The Large-Scale Social Restriction Policy (PSBB) in big cities in Indonesia has resulted in paralysis of the economic sector in various regions, one of which is Banyumas. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), where the team conducts observations to identify the problems of UMKM partners, implementation and evaluation. From the activities that have been carried out, partners understand enough about the use of science and technology including the concept of digital marketing and are able to use the internet to do marketing. The increased ability of partners in marketing is expected to help partners to gain a wider market and increase the competitiveness of partners as UMKM actors.. Keywords: digital marketing; IPTEK; UMKM.

    Sentiment Analysis Regarding Candidate Presidential 2024 Using Support Vector Machine Backpropagation Based

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    This research has the potential to make an important contribution to the development of computationally-based sentiment analysis, particularly in the political context. Anies Baswedan, Ganjar Pranowo, and Prabowo Subianto, three candidates for the presidency of Indonesia, are examined using a Backpropagation-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) methodology in this study. This approach is used to categorize emotions into three groups: neutral, adverse, and favorable. Between July 1 and July 30, 2023, data on tweets mentioning the three presidential contenders was gathered. After processing the data, SVM was used while lowering the backpropagation process. The study's findings demonstrate that the performance of the model in determining public sentiment is greatly enhanced by the application of backpropagation-based SVM techniques. For each presidential contender, the evaluation was conducted using the f1 score, recall, and precision metrics. The evaluation's findings indicate that while the model struggles to distinguish between favorable and negative feelings toward particular presidential contenders, it performs better when categorizing neutral feelings. The SVM model is more accurately able to identify popular sentiment toward the three presidential candidates when the backpropagation approach is used. The results of the sentiment analysis are also represented by word clouds for each presidential contender, giving an intuitive sense of the words that are frequently used in public discourse. This study sheds light on the possibilities of using Twitter data to analyze political sentiment using the backpropagation-based SVM algorithm.

    Perbandingan Metode Klasifikasi Data Mining untuk Nasabah Bank Telemarketing

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     Bank merupakan perusahaan yang memiliki data yang besar yang tersimpan di dalam database dan diolah menghasilkan sebuah informasi yang saling berkaitan tentang nasabah. Bank, harus memiliki ide dan terobosan baru guna mengetahui kendala pada nasabah telemarketing yang ingin melakukan deposito pada Bank tersebut, agar Bank terhindar dari ancaman krisis keuangan. Penelitian ini menguji keberhasilan Bank telemarketing dengan cara melakukan klasifikasi keputusan nasabah dengan menerapkan data mining. Metode yang di gunakan algoritma Classification and Regression Trees (CART) dan naive bayes menggunakan dataset diambil dari University of California Irvine (UCI) Repository Learning. Adapun metode validasi dan evaluasi yang digunakan yaitu 10-cross validation dan confusion matrix. Hasil akurasi pada algoritma CART yaitu 89.51% dengan nilai precision 87%, Recall 89% dan F-Measure 88% dan pada algoritma naive bayes mendapatkan nilai akurasi sebesar 86.88% dengan nilai precision 87%, Recall 86% dan F-Measure 87%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa algoritma CART lebih baik dalam memprediksi keputusan nasabah telemarketing tepat dalam penawaran deposito


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    ABSTRAKPandemi covid-19 yang tidak kunjung berakhir dan terus  di perpanjangnya kebijakan PPKM membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar masih belum bisa dilaksanakan secara tatap muka meski telah memasuki tahun ajaran baru. Untuk itu adanya kegiatan Amikom Mitra Masyarakat, tim kami melakukan pelatihan penggunaan media pembelajaran daring kepada masyarakat luas khususnya orangtua dengan tujuan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran orangtua akan pentingnya peran orangtua dalam mengoptimalkan kualitas proses belajar daring. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan Participatory Action Research (PAR), dimana tim melakukan observasi guna mengidentifikasi permasalahan dan peluang mitra dampingan pada awal tahun 2021 yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilakukan secara daring diawal tahun ajaran baru dan terakhir melakukan evaluasi hasil kegiatan. Kegiatan pelatihan diikuti 59 peserta selama berlangsungya kegiatan sangat antusias sampai selesai pelatihan ini. Sebanyak 74,58% peserta dapat memahami penggunaan media pembelajaran daring dari hasil pelatihan tersebut. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran; daring; pandemi; peran orang tua. ABSTRACTThe ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the continued extension of the PPKM policy have made teaching and learning activities unable to be carried out face-to-face even though it has entered the new school year. For this reason, with the Amikom Mitra Masyarakat activity, our team conducts training on the use of online learning media to the wider community, especially parents, with the aim of increasing parental awareness of the importance of parents' role in optimizing the quality of the online learning process. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), where the team conducts observations to identify problems and opportunities of assisted partners in early 2021, which is then followed by the implementation of activities carried out online at the beginning of the new school year and finally evaluates the results of activities. The training activity was attended by 59 participants during the activity very enthusiastically until the completion of this training. A total of 74.58% of participants were able to understand the use of online learning media from the results of the training. Keywords: learning media;online; pandemic; the role of parents